Eternøl hits the GMG Indie Hour
Ash over at Guerrilla Miniature Games shared an awesome run-through of Eternøl: 15mm sci-fi. Ash is a co-founder of Blaster and a massive champion for indie miniature games. If you can, please support his work via Patreon.
A hold action allows you to forfeit one of your actions in the action phase to instead perform an Action in the push phase without the stress penalty.
Instead of only being able to attack or cast a spell once, the maximum number of times you can attack or cast a spell is 2 per round. You may do both during the Action phase or 1 in the Action phase and 1 in the Push phase.
Books are available in print on our website or as PDF wherever PDFs are sold.
Miniatures are available as part of Patreon for $10/mo or up for purchase individually.
Rules and Army Builder
Join us on Patreon Eternøl miniatures are being released monthly on Patreon $10/mo.