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WELCOME TO Hobgoblin

Mike Hutchinson, the creator of Gaslands, is back with a bloodthirsty miniatures game that allows you to build and battle with any fantasy army you can imagine.

Miniatures Agnostic

In Hobgoblin, there are no pre-set factions to choose from. The army list system is a universal toolkit for building your own army to fit your imagination, and your miniature collection. 

Brutal and Quick

Armies start close together. Combat is simple and brutal. There aren’t any rules that simply negate other rules.


The UK Games Expo awards recognize the best games in various categories, and we’re so proud to announce that Hobgoblin won the Best Miniatures Rules category.

Free Army Builder App

Hobgoblin is completely miniatures and faction agnostic, leaving you to play game designer and stat your own units by selecting each unit’s strengths and weaknesses.


  • Army Builder (Version 3)

  • Chaos of War (Battles Setup)

  • Fortune Cards (Beta)

Made in collaboration with

Learn How to Play

Inside the brutal fantasy world of hobgoblin

The world of Hobgoblin is an endless maze of interwoven tunnels, caverns and catacombs forever growing downwards beneath the dead, frozen surface of the world. Vast subterranean fantasy kingdoms are thrown into chaos when the Cursed Artefacts are discovered: each granting the bearer the power to manifest vast magical armies, at the cost of draining their life-force and allowing the long-dead creator of the artefact to slowly possess them. The bearers of these cursed items of power become known as The Haunted.

More Cursed Artefacts are discovered, and this new power tears the underworld apart. Bloody campaigns of unstoppable conquest are waged by The Haunted. 

Play out campaigns in which you take the Haunted, the bearer of a powerful cursed artefact used for conquest, mayhem, or power by summoning massive armies as you are slowly corrupted by your bargain with ancient powers. 

About the author

Mike Hutchinson

Game Designer, Planet Smasher Games

Mike is a designer of innovative and award-winning tabletop wargames, including Gaslands, A Billion Suns, Mystic Skies, Perilous Tales and now Hobgoblin. He is the co-host of the Rule of Carnage podcast, and lives in the UK. Mike’s games are regularly praised for their accessibility, unique gameplay and their opportunities for hobby. The strength of his games comes from their clarity of purpose, their bold and focused design choices, and the relentless public beta testing and iteration they go through. Hobgoblin is no exception here, with the game’s rules having been through years of iteration, and months of open beta testing.