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Hobgoblin: Into the Rotvärlden

  • Adepticon 2025 400 West Wisconsin Avenue Milwaukee, WI, 53203 United States (map)

We eagerly look forward to meeting all 16 of you and crowning our first champion for Mike Hutchinson’s Hobgoblin. We’ll be providing prize support for everyone… just be careful what artefacts you take with you. We’d hate for you to become one of the Haunted.

Pairings Software( We’ve set up an event pairings program to record the results and help with pairings at the show. If you can visit the Longshanks event link to create an account and join our event, that would be wonderful.  

List Submission( Please prepare a 4,000 pt list in advance using the Hobgoblin listbuilder over at Indie Tabletop Club (link2).  In the event description, we said, “Bring any army you have, and we’ll build your lists at the table,” but unfortunately, the event is too short to accommodate that, so please come prepared. 

Experience Required: We also want to clarify that you will need to know the basics of the game, which are free to download and read in advance and available as the free Quickstart Guide (link 3). We openly welcome completely new players to this event. However, the player you are facing is also competing against you, so learn the Quickstart Rules and keep your questions brief, respectful, and in the context of mechanics, leaving all strategy on your side of the table.  

Tournament Rules

Number of Entries: 16
Number of Rounds: 3
Length of Rounds: 70 mins
Tournament Style: Swiss
Army Points: 4000k points

Fortune Deck: 1 deck per pairing of players; remove both copies of Against All Odds and Hopelessness. *Typo on Iskalla Abyssal Sorcery Card; Raise Dead is Cataclysm (6) refer to book for correct rules.

Base Sizes: Restricted to minimum/maximum base sizes.

Scale: 28/32mm preferred. All scale models are welcome, but they must conform to the minimum and max footprints and use inches and standard measuring units.


Round 1: Altars of Grief

Battlefield - Rubble & Ruins

Deployment Forced March

Twist -  Blood and Sludge

Round 2: The Pendulum Swing

Battlefield - Founts of Magma

Deployment Huddled Together

Twist – Torches Burning Low

Round 3: The Wages of Sin

Battlefield - Rubble & Ruins

Deployment Standard Deployment

Twist – Echoes in the Dark

March 29

Eternøl Tournament (15mm Sci-Fi)